martes, 21 de febrero de 2012



Ø      Name:

In the United Kingdom and Ireland they say Pancake Day or Pancake Tuesday.

In USA it is known as Shrove Tuesday.

Ø      Origin:

Lent (Cuaresma) is a period of 40 days before Easter (Pascua).

In this period Christians would give up things and there are many foods that some Christians would not eat such as dairy,eggs, fats, milk and meat). So that food was not wasted, people would cook and eat up all the foods that wouldn’t last for the 40 days of Lent without going off.

Pancake Day is considered a day of penitence and a day of celebration as the last chance to feast before Lent begins. Pancakes are eaten as they are made out of the main foods available, sugar, fat, flour and eggs, whose consumption was traditionally restricted during Lent.

Ø      When is the Pancake Day?

It is the day before Ash Wednesday (miércoles de ceniza), the first day of Lent (Cuaresma).

The date depends on Easter (Pascua).  

2012 — 21 February

2013 — 12 February

2014 — 4 March

2015 — 17 February

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